
Walls & Focus

Do you feel a wall in your heart? God knows it's there, and He wants to remove it. He wants our hearts to be soft, malleable, & open to His Spirit's movement within. Be honest with Him about its presence, and let Him show you how it got there so He can dismantle it - brick by brick or with a mighty explosion, depending on what He wants you to learn.

Focus on the Healer, not on what needs to be healed.
Focus on the Provider, not on what needs to be provided.
Focus on the Redeemer, not on what needs to be redeemed.


New Diet

  • Eliminate cynicism
  • Reduce sarcasm
  • Detoxify your life of any toxic relationships
  • Load up on Jesus' love, hope, & truth, as well as authentic God-lovin' community. 
You'll feel pounds lighter & years younger. (1 Peter 5:7)