
day #94

coming out from under a dark cloud.
my passion has been tested & refined during the past few months,
and i'm happy to say that i'm starting to see it again.

and this time, it's version 2.0!

i've come to recognize that my core values & strengths were not aligned with my behavior.
my energy was being diffused by activities & investments that were incongruent.
so i've taken some time to reacquaint myself with my "core",
and the plan is to work from there rather than take on whatever comes my way.

this year, passion is about authenticity.

it does me no good to go outside of who my Creator intended me to be:
  • it depletes my energy
  • it stunts my growth
  • it hurts others close to me
  • it gets really confusing
this morning, i sat down & wrote about my core.
i identified that i love to create, produce, encourage, research, collaborate, & delegate
(among many other things).
i also wrote down what i don't love:
things like detailed attention to financial responsibilities & engaging in mundane activities that lack challenge.

sure, we'll still have to be fiscally disciplined,
but now i can admit that i have interests & abilities in other areas which i'd like to pursue.
that holds promise, rather than a dead end.

i'm feeling energized this morning in a way i haven't in months.
i'm grateful for this Divine surge of excitement about possibilities & alignment.

being me:
it's less work, with greater rewards.