Lately, God has been speaking to me a lot about redemption. What a sweet word that is! What awesomeness to contemplate! Our loving Daddy grinds up all our poop into manure that grows beauty & life!
We must share regularly with each other & with our kiddos about how God has redeemed us, all His mighty works in our own lives. Psalm 78:5-8 talks about how these reminders will keep our children from becoming rebellious against God. What a gift to us both: Sharing God's victories in our lives with them so they can learn & stay faithful, seeing His victories in their own lives!
Let's tell each other the almighty works of our redemptive Daddy who is greater than our pasts & creates new futures out of poop!
~We will not hide them from their children,
but tell to the coming generation
the glorious deeds of the Lord, and his might,
and the wonders that he has done.~
Psalm 78:4