As women - as moms - we're subtly fed the lies that we should always carry some degree of guilt & an endearing tendency toward worry. It's almost like a membership card or a badge of honor.
Here's the crazy part: Jesus died to set us free from all that! It breaks His heart when we choose to cling to shame, anxiety, & regret. He wants us to choose life & the freedom that cost Him so much.
As servants of the conquering King, it's time we raise our flags high & claim that victory as ours! Ask our loving Daddy, the Breaker of chains, to increase your faith in His ability to remove guilt & worry, and to replace them with His Spirit of steadfast peace & confidence in the blood that redeemed you. Look for others who live this so you can believe it's a real thing! Pray & praise Daddy every time a self-condemning or fear-based thought crosses your mind, and He will claim that territory as His. You belong to Him!
~I sought the Lord, and he answered me and delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant, and their faces shall never be ashamed.~
Psalm 34:4-5