bob, a team of PHX creatives, & i made a full microshort this weekend.
we've been making films together since we met:
he directs, i write, & we make magic happen.
it's tough working so closely & intensely sometimes,
and we've learned a lot about teamwork through it all.
i guess my passion for making films goes hand-in-hand with my passion for my marriage.
i see them as linked, since they have been since day 1.
i mean, we met because of a video camera!
(for that story, here is the article.)
my trouble is that i can be extremely passionate,
and when something goes awry i don't know how else to react but to smother my flame.
it's like i'm saying,
"if this isn't going to go my way, i'll just pretend i don't care at all."
neither films nor good marriages get made that way.
this year, passion means keeping the flame alive even when the wind blows,
the oxygen is all but gone,
and all i want to do is snuff out the wick.
it means fanning the flame & believing that a fire can result.