much of my thinking takes place in the car.
i can already predict that --
should a pie chart be made of the topics this blog discusses this year
-- a mention of car drives will be a sizable & tasty slice.
as i drove to work yesterday, i found myself really listening to the lyrics on KLove.
i saw drivers & landscape around me.
colors were vibrant & organic.
in other words, i turned off the auto-pilot.
what fun to be engaged in the everyday moments!
i recall hearing eleanor josaitis, co-founder of focus: hope, speak once.
she remarked that she never took the same way to work.
now that is an adventure-seeker!
that is someone who is purposely keeping the auto-pilot off.
this morning, i decided to repeat yesterday's magic.
i even drove into work earlier so i could see a different landscape,
bathed with shadows & a deep-orange light from the rising sun.
i don't recall if i had the radio on the entire time,
but the songs that did play lifted my heart & energized me for the long day ahead.
sure, auto-pilot is helpful in some situations.
i'm not debating adaptational psychology here.
but today i'm keeping mine off so i don't miss a thing.