i find it funny that i have to ask myself if i want to go deeper with God.
shouldn't the answer be an automatic & resounding "YES!"?
yet i realize that such a decision creates consequences elsewhere:
going deeper denotes excavation,
and excavation causes other areas to get stirred up & disrupted.
see the helpful flowchart below:
going deeper ---------> knocking my ducks out of a row
i work really hard to get my stuff settled.
i don't like having to start over again.
call it laziness, i call it...yep, laziness works.
someone once said,
"some people say, 'Jesus came along & took my life & got it all straightened out.'
that's not what happened to me.
i had everything where i wanted it, and He came along & shook it all up!"
that's what going deeper with Him requires:
regular shake-ups.
not settling.
and when i feel that tug on my heart of the Spirit wanting to show me something new,
i instinctively go into the pro-con list to evaluate if i can risk learning it at this point.
i'm working to realize it's not about me "risking" to learn.
it's about me being ready to say, "yes Lord," whenever He shows up.
cuz He cares less about my duck rows & more about me never settling with where i am.