why would someone who is allergic to cottonwood consider it a blessing?
that's what i asked in order to get this exclusive interview...with myself.
Q: what's the story behind the title?
A: i was on a walk in my neighborhood several years ago, frustrated with the pain i was in & my perception of God's lack of intervention. i kept chasing after His approval & His gifts, and i came up empty-handed. i am a recovering type A, so this was not a pleasing result to me. as i argued with the Lord on this walk, i saw a cottonwood fluff float by me. i grabbed at it...& missed. bad aim. i tried again, closing my fist around the target. i opened it. empty.
Q: i think we get the picture.
A: well, i didn't. i was a bit too steeped in my own anger & hurt to think clearly, and i kept on chasing that fluff & grabbing at it. every time, i ended up with nothing.
Q: did you give up?
A: technically, yes. i reached a cul de sac, and i had to turn around. i was so upset at this point; nothing i was striving for was coming to me. and then i started to walk with the wind to my back, not reaching for the fluffs -- and a shower of them landed on me. i didn't even have to open my hands to grasp them. it was like God was saying, "I will provide. cease striving, my child."
Q: did you?
A: it took some practice (it still does), but i'm getting better. with the help of the One who makes the cottonwood, of course. i'm learning to rest and trust that He will bring the right blessings by His grace & in His time.