
It's Okay to Be Happy

When someone you know is sad, suffering, or searching and God has gifted you with a season of abundance, it can feel wrong to celebrate it & feel joy. Romans 12:15 tells us to "weep with those who weep," after all.

However, it also says to "rejoice with those who rejoice" - and He wants that to be you! Your grieving friends - if they are of sound mind & heart - do not want you to miss out on enjoying the blessings Daddy designed & delivered to you. They may even need that time of rejoicing with you to encourage their broken spirits! The key is sensitivity: being careful not to flaunt your blessings & season of joy, but rather be grateful & share it in wisdom.

So let's let the Spirit of God lead us to dance & to cry, never depriving ourselves of either critical experience of life & community.

~...God...richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment.~
1 Timothy 6:17