but that 1/3 is just when it comes to time, not to the actual goal.
we prayerfully set the goal of raising $80,000 in 90 days.
the purposes of this goal were to help us:
- get focused on the Lord
- get out of debt
- get giving to some important causes.
so we have been working daily to create new opportunities for cash flow & savings.
we've done well with the savings part.
cash flow is a bit more challenging.
but every morning, we pray that God will lead us in this goal,
that we will be intentional & work together with Him to make something happen much bigger than us.
we can't do this on our own, and we don't want to.
there is a log of all our progress & regress each day since we started.
it's interesting to see how far we've come according to this log.
i write much more, and bob is much more serious about filming & teaching.
we don't have cable, and we hardly watch TV.
eating out is a rare occasion, and i'm learning [slowly] how to cook.
we don't just dream now -- we act.
it must be clarified here:
we're not trying to get out of debt so we can be rich.
it's more of the idea of not serving 2 masters,
and right now the monster comprised of student loans, mortgage, & bills is quite our slave-driver.
so we're giving back the reins to our true & good Master,
and we're saying,
"You own everything; work in us in this situation so we can help others in theirs."